Career & Leadership Programmes

Leadership Programmes

At Sloka, we agree with Tom Peters who said that, “Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders.” And to that end, we want our young pupils to be involved in decision-making of our school. So we operate a Leadership and Prefect Team and School Council, who meet regularly. The Head students meet with the Head Teachers to feedback student views. Moreover, the students regularly fundraise for the charities of their choice, and support the national events that are organized for this cause from time to time.

Career Guidance

Through the Career Guidance Programme,we aim to prepare our young people for an ever-changing world, developing their understanding of the world of work and empowering them to make informed decisions having high aspirations for their future lives. This programme is offered to all students from years 10-15. We deliver a package of Independent and impartial Career Advice, Information and guidance.

As a part of the said programme, we also host a series of activities, workshops, events to support the development of personal and employability skills in addition to the interactions our students have with education and training establishments during an academic year.

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